Best Wednesday Motivational Quotes [2023]

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1] Wednesday Motivational Quotes

Wednesday Motivational Quotes
Wednesday Motivational Quotes

When you do what you love, the seemingly impossible becomes simply challenging, the laborious becomes purposeful resistance, the difficult loses its edge and is trampled by your progress.
― Steve Maraboli.

We only live once. We all have an expiration date after that we will never come again. I am not saying that to make you sad. I am saying that so you can cherish each moment in your life and be grateful that you are here and you are Special.
― Pablo.

Wednesday Motivational Quotes
Wednesday Motivational Quotes

Change is in the air. This change reminds us that we are made and beautifully sculpted by the same power that orchestrates the change of season. Let this be the season you embrace and align yourself with this change.
― Steve Maraboli.

Although I deeply love oceans, deserts and other wild landscapes, it is only mountains that beckon me with that sort of painful magnetic pull to walk deeper and deeper into their beauty. They keep me continuously wanting to know more, feel more, see more.
― Victoria Erickson.

Wednesday Motivational Quotes
Wednesday Motivational Quotes

I often wished that more people understood the invisible side of things. Even the people who seemed to understand, didn’t really.
― Jennifer Starzec.

If you do whatever it takes to accomplish your goals to live the life you desire, It will be worth it. I promise! But if you find some excuse to justify quitting your journey, you will regret it. This is also a promise!
― Glenn Brandon Burke.

Wednesday Motivational Quotes
Wednesday Motivational Quotes

I can’t think of anything more disheartening than living a life without a clear purpose.
― Daniel Willey.

People who don’t see you every day have a hard time understanding how on some days-good days-you can run three miles, but can barely walk across the parking lot on other days,’ (my mom) said quietly.
― Jennifer Starzec.

Wednesday Motivational Quotes
Wednesday Motivational Quotes

Wanting something is not enough. You must hunger for it. Your motivation must be absolutely compelling in order to overcome the obstacles that will invariably come your way.
― Les Brown.

Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living out fears.
― Les Brown.

Never confuse someone else’s inability to do something with its inability to be done.
― Steve Maraboli.

I hear you say ‘Why?’ Always ‘Why?’ You see things; and you say ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say ‘Why not?
― George Bernard Shaw.

Just because you’re in a situation, doesn’t mean you have to be that situation. You’re not the situation you’re in!
― K.M. Johnson.

Today stretches ahead of you waiting to be shaped. You are the sculptor who gets to do the shaping. What today will be like is up to you.
― Steve Maraboli.

You need mountains, long staircases don’t make good hikers.
― Amit Kalantri.

Your dream is a reality that is waiting for you to materialize. Today is a new day! Don’t let your history interfere with your destiny! Learn from your past so that it can empower your present and propel you to greatness.
― Steve Maraboli.

Discipline your mind to see the good in every situation and look on the best side of every event.
Discipline your mind to think positively; to see the good in every situation and look on the best side of every event.
― Roy T. Bennett.

Maturity is when you stop complaining and making excuses in your life; you realize everything that happens in life is a result of the previous choice you’ve made and start making new choices to change your life.
― Roy T. Bennett.

Create. Not for the money. Not for the fame. Not for the recognition. But for the pure joy of creating something and sharing it.
― Ernest Barbaric.

Although goals are important, having a plan of action is vital to the success of those goals. Having a goal with no plan of action is like wanting to travel to a new destination without having a map.
― Steve Maraboli.

The price tag you put on yourself decides your worth. Underestimating yourself will cost you dearly.
― Apoorve Dubey.

Accepting personal responsibility for your life frees you from outside influences – increases your self-esteem – boosts confidence in your ability to decisions – and ultimately leads to achieve success in life.
― Roy T. Bennett.

The lust for comfort kills the passions of the soul.
― Khalil Gibran.

If it is bread that you seek, you will have bread.
If it is the soul you seek, you will find the soul.
If you understand this secret, you know you are that which you seek.
― Rumi.

You don’t have to be a hero to accomplish great things-to compete. You can just be an ordinary chap, sufficiently motivated to reach challenging goals.
― Edmund Hillary.

If everyone is moving forward together, then success takes care of itself.
― Henry Ford.

Step out of your comfort zone. Comfort zones, where your unrealized dreams are buried, are the enemies of achievement. Leadership begins when you step outside your comfort zone.
― Roy T. Bennett.

Have you had a failure or rejection? You could get bitter. That’s one way to deal with it. Or…you could just get BETTER. What do you think?
― Destiny Booze.

It’s not what you’ve got, it’s what you use that makes a difference.
― Zig Ziglar.

Pride and power fall when the person falls, but discoveries of truth form legacies that can be built upon for generations.
― Criss Jami.

A person today who seems to have a great sense of self-esteem has his or her childhood days to thank for it.
― Stephen Richards.

When you start something, make sure that you’re willing to take the time to finish it right because, honey, the work you put into it will be more than worth it in the end. The best things always are.
― C.M. Stunich.

Despite what you may believe, you can disappoint people and still be good enough. You can make mistakes and still be capable and talented. You can let people down and still be worthwhile and deserving of love. Everyone has disappointed someone they care about. Everyone messes up, lets people down, and makes mistakes. Not because we’re inadequate or fundamentally inept, but because we’re imperfect and fundamentally human. Expecting anything different is setting yourself up for failure.
― Daniell Koepke.

The only way you’re going to reach places you’ve never gone is if you trust God’s direction to do things you’ve never done.
― Germany Kent.

The only thing wrong with trying to please everyone is that there’s always at least one person who will remain unhappy. You.
― Elizabeth Parker.

Being in home is like magic moments, in a magic world, among maicians.
― Durgesh Satpathy.

Without desires and dreams, your thoughts do not matter and you can think whatever you want to.
― Stephen Richards.

It is a profound and necessary truth that the deep things in science are not found because they are useful; they are found because it was possible to find them.
― Robert Oppenheimer.

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest accomplishment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.
― Leo Buscaglia.

Stop waiting for the right person to come into your life. Be the right person to come to someone’s life.
― Leo Babauta.

The problem isn’t that I think so highly of myself. It is just that you think so little of yourself. Live life BIG, BOLD and OUT LOUD!
― Shannon L. Alder.

This moment is yours and yours alone! Take charge, seize this moment and allow it to propel you to the high levels of an empowered life. Allow upon this fertile moment to be planted the seeds of your happiness and success.
― Steve Maraboli.

A good self-esteem level is mostly dependent on how we value ourselves without any bias.
― Stephen Richards.

You are where you are and what you are because of yourself, nothing else. Nature is neutral. Nature doesn’t care. If you do what other successful people do, you will enjoy the same results and rewards that they do. And if you don’t, you won’t.
― Brian Tracy.

I prefer to be on the side of losers, the misunderstood or lonely people rather than writing about the strong and powerful.
― Núria Añó.

We have come here together so that you might know, through virtue of your own pain, your own hopelessness, your own fear, your own darkness and the lie of powerlessness, the very actual power of your own will, of the will of your soul.
― Jennifer DeLucy.

It will be better to spent our energy on reality; the tangible facts, not thoughts of the past.
― Durgesh Satpathy.

Things do not happen TO you. They happen THROUGH you.
You are the co-creator of everything in your reality.
― Gordana Biernat.

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